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Mark Your Calendars For The 77th Annual AANO Convention — Held By The New York Chapter. Learn more.


Clicking below takes you to an external site to fill out our scholarship form.


Deadline for all scholarship entries is May 4, 2025.

Message From Our 
Scholarship Chairperson

Christina Foundos

The AANO Scholarship Fund awarded its first Scholarship in 1955, and was formed as a way to assist young Albanian-American College bound students with Scholarship assistance to help offset rising College costs. Contributions of money to the AANO Scholarship Fund are an excellent investment to help further the education of Albanian-American Students.

We are setting new goals to increase the Scholarship Fund significantly and are asking for your assistance as we move forward. At the 2006 Convention in Tirana, Albania we raised $40,000 and we need to continue to strive harder, in order to help more Albanian-American Students. However, we can only do that if more people dig deep into their hearts and donate generously. As we build the Scholarship Fund base more students will benefit.

So I ask that all of you please contribute to AANO Scholarship Fund. The Albanian American National Organization Scholarship Fund is a tax-exempt, nonprofit organization. Your donation is tax deductible. Please contact us for the donation of large gifts or appreciated stock or other real property so we can work with you to make it most tax efficient.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at​.

We thank you in advance for your compassion and generosity. Donate “Dollars for Scholars”.


Christina Foundos
Scholarship Fundraising Chairperson

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